1.2.2 --AGA --- *Merged agmcleaod's fork: Added failure to the options hash: `failure` *Merged borkor's fork: New option not to jump to first or last position: `scrollJumpPosition` *Deleted silly console.debug() line left over from testing. 1.2.1 --AGA --- *Added option to activate select list with one click instead of two. `clickFire` is false by default. (Requested/recommendation by fgosfacdjtq.) * Added option to forgo input focus on item select. `inputFocus` is set to true by default, but setting it to false in the options will cancel this behavior. * Circumvent browser JS bug when user clicked on results list scrollbar and then clicked outside of the list that caused the list to not hide. * Changed hijacking of PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN keys to prevent default behavior only when selections list is visible. Helps text navigation inside input element. 1.2 --AGA --- * Use recursive merging when extending setOptions. (Request/recommendation by smarques.) 1.1.1 --AGA --- * Changed hijacking of UP/DOWN arrow keys to prevent default behavior only when selections list is visible. Helps text navigation inside input element. 1.1 --- * Added matchContains: "word" option, match only the start of words instead of everywhere * Fixed mustMatch to trigger result event when no match was found * Fixed the issue where an autocomplete was applied after the field had focus * Extended multiple complete to enable editing words not at the end of the field (doesn't work in Opera) 1.0.2 ----- * Fixed missing semicolon 1.0.1 ----- * Fixed element creation (